A family syndicate had a vacant Industrial Building which had vehicle repairers and spray painters as tenants. The Owners wanted to modernise it and had secured the Stihl Shop who needed new modern premises. The 3 separate tenancies were made into one with two spaces opened into one and corner shop front windows added to give a good visibility and light to the Showroom.
Corporate signage was added to the new Titan board Expressed Joint Parapet Façade and the remaining walls to road frontage and access lane were re-clad in Roofdek and painted in corporate colours. All windows and doors were replaced. The Main Entry has a cantilevered canopy with an automatic sliding door. A feature of aluminium vertical battens were added at the change of wall materials. The existing oily floor was ground down, polished and sealed, a new suspended ceiling was hung at 3m and walls painted to give a light and airy Showroom to display the equipment. Staff facilities were upgraded also.